An emergency iPhone feature that could save lives has gone viral. When an Emergency SOS call ends, your iPhone will automatically send a text message with your location to your Emergency contacts. Thanks for reading and stay safe! Well, they don’t actually need it. This is a fantastic feature, but it’s only helpful if you have contacts set up as your Emergency Contacts. You’ve successfully added an emergency contact in the Health app. Staying Prepared With Emergency Contacts. Now that you know how to add an emergency contact on an iPhone, we encourage you to share this article with your friends and family so they can also be prepared in case of emergency. You can fill out all the pertinent information in your Health app, which comes pre-loaded with every iPhone. You’ll need to actually add a person to your contacts from elsewhere on the system—via the Phone app, for example—before you can select their name and phone number as an emergency contact. Best wishes, David L. There’s a separate section where you can enter emergency contacts; tap “Add contact” to add a person from your contacts list (you might have to tap “Contacts” first) Once you have set this up, anyone can find your ICE information by swiping up on the lock screen and tapping “Emergency,” then “Emergency information.”. in case you are in a serious situation, like an accident, emergency contacts and Medical ID can be seen by anybody without even unlocking the iPhone. This is how to quickly contact emergency services and alert your emergency contacts if you are in danger There are shortcuts to call emergency numbers using your iPhone (Photo: Getty) By … Once the iPhone has begun sharing your location with your emergency contacts, the phone will ask every 24 hours if you want to switch this location sharing off. When setup, Emergency SOS on iPhone doesn't just give you a quick option to call emergency services if you're in trouble, but it will also automatically alert your emergency contacts to … How to add emergency contacts to your iPhone or Apple Watch. The Medical ID (emergency contact, etc.) Here’s how to set an Emergency Contact for Emergency SOS on iPhone. Click on “Emergency” and you’ll see a screen with a phone pad and “* Medical ID” in the lower-left hand corner. Emergency iPhone Hack Alerts Emergency Contacts And Sounds Siren If You're In Danger Jess Hardiman Published 8:49 PM , March 11 2021 GMT | Last updated 8:54 PM , March 11 2021 GMT You can also select emergency contacts from your iPhone’s contacts and fill in their relation to you. As before, when the call ends your iPhone will send your location to your emergency contacts. Slide the Emergency SOS slider to call the emergency services. Maybe it’s only new to us, but this is a genius trick we learned last week: When your phone is locked, swipe to the left to get your passcode screen. that you set on your iPhone is automatically carried over to your Apple Watch.
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