how many passengers on p2 plates nsw

You can apply for a full rider licence straight from your P1 provisional licence, as long as you: Your green Ps (provisional P2 licence) is valid for 36 months or until you get your full licence (which you can do after 24 months). Read more about licence classes. There are no restrictions on peer passengers during the day. User #73369 427 posts. Unlike your previous licences, you can upgrade a P2 licence to some of the heavy vehicles licences, particularly Light Rigid (LR), Medium Rigid (MR) and Heavy Rigid (HR). Restrictions P1. Your provisional P2 licence can be renewed after 36 months if you haven’t progressed to your full licence. This gives you time to learn the characteristics of your motorbike and become more comfortable with riding on the road. Victoria limits peer passengers during the day to … Riders aged 25 or older. Once you've held your provisional P1 rider licence for at least 12 months, you can apply for your P2 rider licence. Darkhound. If you're 25 or older, you don't need to get a P2 licence. After 12 months, a P1 license can be upgraded to a P2 license, lifting that restriction. BAC 0.000; You must carry your licence with you at all times. Which would mean loss of license for the O.P. How to apply for your full licence. Changes to the Graduated Licence Scheme require provisional P2 drivers who renew their licence on or after Monday 20 November 2017 to add 6 months to the time they are required to hold a P2 licence, when suspended for unsafe driving behaviour. ... You may apply for an exemption by attending a registry or service centre in person, completing the P1/P2 passenger or vehicle exemption form and paying the application fee. L and P plate guide – New South Wales. In NSW, P-platers may drive at night, but may only have one peer-aged passenger. A P1 provisional license allows for only one passenger under the age of 21 who is not an immediate family member between 11 pm and 5 am. [9] I'm glad im on P2's. You can progress from your P2 provisional licence to your full licence … The 6 months is added for every suspension received. You can carry one on your P2 licence with no restrictions. There are two stages of provisional drivers, P1 and P2. There are no training courses or tests to complete. held your provisional licence (P1 and P2) for three years (one year on P1 and 2 years on P2) and; reached 20 years of age (you do not need to pass a Hazard Perception Test). As of 1 July 2007, new laws for P1 drivers have been introduced, including a limit of one passenger under the age of 21 between 11 pm and 5 am, and instant suspension for three months for any speeding offence. That should be in double demerit points period in NSW. P2 licence holders must: Have P plates (green P on a white background) displayed conspicuously at the front and rear of the car when driving. Once the 2 years is completed you will automatically be upgraded to an Open licence. Licence class What you can drive; C – Car: Vehicles up to 4.5 tonne Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM). Queensland has no restrictions on speed for L- and P-plate drivers; If you hold a P1 licence, are under 25, and you are driving between 11pm and 5am you can only carry 1 passenger under the age of 21 who is not an immediate family member. South Australia Vehicles that seat up to 12 adults, including the driver. Queensland’s P-plate laws aren’t overly difficult either. Additional time on P2 for any suspension. These restrictions don’t apply to P2 licence holders. In New South Wales the minimum age to be eligible for a provisional P1 licence is 17. P2 – Green plate must be displayed for 2 years for any driver under the age of 25.

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