0000009370 00000 n 0000014532 00000 n The Insurance Barometer is an annual study that tracks the perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors of adult consumers in the United States. A study by Life Happens and LIMRA reports that U.S. Life Insurance ownership is 54%, down 9%, according to the 2020 Insurance Barometer Study. 1 “2020 Insurance Barometer Study,” LIMRA, June 2020. 0000015513 00000 n Lack of ownership may be adding to mounting financial stress Americans are facing. 0184-0417 (50700-10-403-21018) 2017 Insurance Barometer Study Lauren Finnie James Scanlon 860.298.3849 860. Yet most families would feel a financial pinch pretty quickly with the loss of a primary wage earner: 28% within a month, 44% within 6 months in LIMRA… |Ⓒ Copyright 2020, LL Global, Advancing the financial services industry. 0000019206 00000 n To get an idea of how much life insurance you should have, check out CALC, our free, online life insurance needs calculator. English Español 日本語 한국어 简体中文 繁體中文 Ownership of life insurance this year fell among households in the lower and middle-income categories (i.e., under $100,000), declining by 25% over the past 10 years. 0000201158 00000 n 0000013960 00000 n 2020 Insurance Barometer Study. Even before Coronavirus hit, consumers showed a growing desire for a … Life Research & Development, SCOR. The study objectives are to measure financial concern among American consumers and relate these findings to financial behaviors, with a particular focus on life insurance. The fact that people have a heightened awareness of the need for life insurance is actually good news because nearly half of Americans (46%) are uninsured and many more (33%) say they are underinsured, according to LIMRA’s 2020 Insurance Barometer Study. 1. The study also reports consumers intent to purchase life insurance in the next twelve months is 36%, an all time high. In January 2020, LIMRA and Life Happens engaged an online panel to survey adult consumers who are financial decision makers in their households. According to a 2020 report from trade research organization LIMRA and the non-profit organization Life Happens, these are the most common reasons Americans said they bought life insurance: 84% Burial/final expenses 66% Wealth transfer 62% Income replacement LIMRA and Life … Nearly half of us aren’t, according to LIMRA’s 2020 Insurance Barometer Study. 0000009751 00000 n 66% of Americans say most people need long-term care insurance, according to the 2020 Insurance Barometer Study that Life Happens and LIMRA conducted.However—and here’s the catch—only 18% say they own it.This need-gap is up 8% from a year ago and suggests an active market demand from 110 million consumers. You can read the full 2019 Insurance Barometer Study here , but here are some of the most important takeaways from this report. Choose what is best for you! 0000010336 00000 n The data were weighted by age, gender, education, race, region, and income to be representative of the general population. Methodology for 2020 Insurance Barometer Study The Insurance Barometer is an annual study that tracks the perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors of adult consumers in the United States. * 2020 Insurance Barometer Study, LIMRA Our Products Life Insurance Health Insurance. 0000004336 00000 n h�b``e`��c`c`t4db@ !�;����@�$��!���jm�,/th�.�+���5hJg�2�"FA%װ��� 0000194648 00000 n Are you covered? Yet most families would feel a financial pinch pretty quickly with the loss of a primary wage earner: 28% within a month, 44% within 6 months in LIMRA… 0000008272 00000 n 0000016163 00000 n However, perception of cost may be the most significant barrier. This session provides the first look at 2020 results on those and other important trends. MAGGIE LEYES, Senior Vice President, Content Strategy, Life Happens; JAMES SCANLON, HIA, Senior Research Director, LIMRA The annual Insurance Barometer survey examines consumer mindsets on the hottest topics in the industry. The survey generated over 2,000 responses. 0000178268 00000 n In January 2020, LIMRA and Life Happens engaged an online panel to survey adult consumers who are financial decision makers in their households. This stat might come as a bit of a surprise—after all, few families can afford to lose their primary income. Life Happens and LIMRA team up to create an annual Insurance Barometer Study, with the results of the 2019 version being published earlier this year. 0000081556 00000 n 0000005347 00000 n Results show that 40% of people who own life insurance wish they had purchased policies at a younger age. 66% of Americans say most people need long-term care insurance, according to the 2020 Insurance Barometer Study that Life Happens and LIMRA conducted.However—and here’s the catch—only 18% say they own it.This need-gap is up 8% from a year ago and suggests an active market demand from 110 million consumers. Facts + Statistics: Life Insurance, Insurance Information Institute. Email: infocenter@limra.com Hours: Mon - Fri 7:30am - 4:30pm ET, Producer Compliance Training Support – 866-364-2380. Advancing the financial services industry Create Account. According to LIMRA and their 2020 Insurance Barometer Study, U.S. life insurance ownership has “fallen [significantly, by] 9 percentage points to 54%” over the last decade.
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