Given below are the Chapter Wise Financial Management MCQ:-Leverage Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) Capital Budgeting MCQ . Cost of capital does not mean: Other Assets. D) Liabilities on the Balance Sheet. ANS: D . A current assets – current liabilities B current assets + current liabilities C non-current (fixed) assets + current assets – current liabilities D non-current (fixed) assets + current assets + current liabilities [1] (j) A sole trader compares his results with those of a similar business. If the assets of a business are Rs . What is the total value of his liabilities? answer choices . 3. 43. D. Other liabilities and provisions. The Manager is entitled to a commission of 10% on profit before deducted his commission. Capital Structure MCQ . Contingent Liabilities. 2. B) Payments on Income Statement. To be recorded as an asset, an item must meet four specific conditions. Reducing current assets, increasing current liabilities, and reducing long-term debt. 20,000, the value of liability will be? c) Fixed assets. A. d) an income. 20,000, the value of liability will be A. Which shows how well expenses are being controlled? 13. a) an assets. 100,000 and equity is Rs. What is the total value of his assets? $24,950-$24,520. Working Capital Management MCQ . Schedule 10 B. Outstanding expense is. 8. d) Assets and liabilities. A) Current Liabilities. Answer: C. 3. $50,370. c) an expenses. Inventories, cash and equivalents, and accounts receivables are listed as. 300 seconds . c) All assets. C) Assets on the Balance Sheet. D) Accrued Liabilities. 4. Home Accounting Mcqs The real accounts are accounts of Assets, liabilities and _____? Schedule 8 Accounting Ratios MCQs Ratio Analysis MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) Accounting Ratios MCQs Ratio Analysis MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) Choose the correct answer: 1. A) Earnings on Income Statement. a) 1000. b) 900. c) 800. d) 1100. C. Investments. d) All of these. Increasing current assets while lowering current liabilities. Cost of Capital MCQ . Ans. Accounting Equation MCQ & Quiz. ANS: A . The table below shows Claude's assets and liabilities. 22) Bills purchased and discounted are shown in _____ on the Balance sheet of a Bank. The profit is 9000, therefore the commission will be. answer choices . Higher the price earning ratio, better it is, as it indicates growth of the company. b) All liabilities. Ratio between different forms of capital . B. Ratio analysis: ... False, Current Assets/Current Liabilities. 21) It is shown by way of a footnote and details are given in schedule 12. Other liabilities and provision. b) a liability. Tags: Question 14 . Posted By: Faisal Wahab on: October 21, 2020 In: Accounting Mcqs Print Email Answer: A. C) Noncurrent Liabilities. b) Intangible assets. Which asset-liability combination would most likely result in the firm's having the greatest risk of technical insolvency? 100,000 and equity is Rs. Q. Increasing current assets while incurring more current liabilities. • A snapshot at a point in time of an entity’s assets, liabilities and owners’ equity • A reconciliation of an entity’s bank account balance • A description of the company’s cash flows over a period of time. If the assets of a business are Rs. The table below shows Claude's assets and liabilities. B) Accumulated Liabilities. 41. $25,420-$24,950. $24,950. SURVEY . $25,420. 42.
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