taiwan gift giving etiquette

Most greetings include the rhetorical question, "Have you eaten?". DON'T give a clock as a gift. Gift Giving Etiquette Gifts are given at Chinese New Year, weddings, births and funerals. Pointing out other people’s mistakes or shortcomings, especially in public, is rarely appreciated and will usually precipitate the proverbial “loss of face”. This seeming paradox pervades everyday life in Taiwan and is visible through countless actions, from the hip young computer salesman making elaborate offerings at a makeshift shrine in front of his trendy downtown Taipei shop to the practising female geneticist praying fervently to a fertility god for the blessing of a son. Do not wrap gifts in white, blue or black paper. More money is given to older children and teenagers. Losing one’s temper in public and openly expressing anger is a sure-fire way to lose face, both for yourself, and the recipients of your outburst, and sometimes even for those in the near vicinity. Gift Giving and Accepting Gifts. Wait until invited before using someone's first name. Taiwan is not China! People from direct communications cultures should take care to patiently listen for the information needed. Gourmet food baskets, something for his or her desk, a photo frame, a leather portfolio, or a nice plant are all good gifts for your boss. Both comments and pings are currently closed. Wrapping paper, ribbons, and bows are fine, especially if they are red (which symbolizes good luck), gold (wealth and fortune) pink and yellow (happiness). And remember, use both hands for giving and receiving. Meeting and … Present your card so the typeface faces the recipient. Destinations . Many Taiwanese lower their eyes during the greeting as a sign of respect. Mainlanders are people who arrived in Taiwan after mainland China fell to the Communists in 1949. If you’re invited to someone’s home, it’s a good idea to bring a gift, usually something simple such as flowers, a tin of biscuits or cookies, or a box of chocolates. If you want to give someone flowers, it’s best to choose other colours. View All Articles. The smaller groups of Hakka people and aborigines have also preserved their own languages. They treat people with respect and dignity regardless of their personal feelings. They are highly motivated and centered around the extended family, their most important economic resource. That said, the symbolism of colors varies from country to country. Last week we talked about the logistics of experiencing Chinese New Year in Taiwan (Part one : Chinese New Year in Taiwan : The Six Days of Chinese New Year). Clocks are associated with death and funerals and a clock as a gift can be seen as a sinister action. Most businessmen speak and understand English. You will gain an understanding of a number of key areas including: Once you've read this guide, ensure the success of your Taiwan business venture by: Location: Eastern Asia, islands bordering the East China Sea, Philippine Sea, South China Sea, and Taiwan Strait, north of the Philippines, off the southeastern coast of China, Climate: tropical; marine; rainy season during southwest monsoon (June to August); cloudiness is persistent and extensive all year, Ethnic Make-up: Taiwanese (including Hakka) 84%, mainland Chinese 14%, indigenous 2%, Religions: mixture of Buddhist and Taoist 93%, Christian 4.5%, other 2.5%, Business Culture: Ranked 42nd in the Business Culture Complexity Index™. Furthermore, a tendency to have few gestures may make it more difficult for the message to be understood so be prepared for questions. Invitations are not invoices. The first tip of our etiquette guidelines for gift-giving regards the gift itself. Always be conscious of the situation. That’s right, wait! 7. Queues Taiwanese queue for transport and in shops. The most popular foreign language in Taiwan is English, which is part of the regular school curriculum. Accept and offer business cards with both hands. Those r interesting etiquette to observe for U Taiwanese. Even then it’s best to first apologize and ask permission. Still, some traditional values remain strong, including piety toward parents, ancestor worship, a strong emphasis on education and work, and the importance of "face." Another fairly common Taiwanese fear that in part can be chalked up to superstition is that of deep water. If you give your boss a gift, make it a group effort. international dining etiquette. The best working rule is to avoid behaving in a way that causes someone to be embarrassed in front of others, or in front of you. Taiwan: Tipping & Etiquette More Traveler Articles. People are usually addressed by their title and surname. Those expecting stereotypical “Chinese” experiences akin to what can be had in mainland China or even Hong Kong are likely to be surprised and enchanted by the striking behavioural differences between the Taiwanese and their fellow Chinese neighbours. Taiwan Introduction. Most Taiwanese business is conducted among friends, friends of friends, and family. Commisceo Global Consulting Ltd. Afghanistan - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette. Complimenting individuals (be careful not to single out individuals when the work was a corporate effort), Praising group (company, school, family, country), Direct or indirect criticism of an individual or group, Giving someone a gift that is beneath their status, Turning down an invitation or a gesture of friendship, Demonstrations of anger or excessive emotionalism. Taiwan is a great gift-giving society. Doing so allows everyone to participate at a lower … Many Mainlanders work for the government. Always start by presenting a gift to the oldest (or most senior) member if giving gifts to a large group or whole family. … Greetings It's fine to shake hands or just smile when meeting someone for the first time. A gift may be refused the first time it is offered out of politeness. Toasting is an important part of business entertaining and is done several times throughout the meal. Learn about Chinese gift-giving etiquette, including how much is customary to spend as well as how to wrap and present a gift. A safe gift from America is multi vitamins and/or ginseng. Many elderly people can also speak some Japanese, as they were subjected to Japanese education before Taiwan was returned to Chinese rule in 1945 after the Japanese occupation which lasted for half a century. It is often customary to reciprocate with a gift of equal value. Do not give white flowers or chrysanthemums as they signify death. Handshakes are the most common form of greeting with foreigners. They even sell gift fruit at department stores and supermarkets— the kind that is packaged nicely and the fruit looks round, shiny and beautiful. It is governed by a multiparty republican system. Here, an etiquette expert shares her top tips for the season of giving. They also readily give up their seat to anyone who needs it. The Taiwanese tend to give very generous presents and Western visitors should be prepared to reciprocate with gifts of the same value. When giving or receiving a gift always use two hands. Refuse the gift at least two times before accepting it. Below I’ll discuss how to navigate the thorny waters of gift giving; whether to give a personal gift, gift […] 8 Gift-Giving Etiquette Questions. As relationships are valued, there may be some time in the meeting devoted to non-business discussions. Gift Giving Etiquette in Thailand. You should only choose red if the gift is for a Chinese Thai. Visitors to Taiwan and many other Asian countries will notice that most people beckon to each other with their palms facing down, waving towards the ground, and travellers are well advised to emulate this – calling people towards you by rolling your fingers back with your palms up is widely considered to be crudely suggestive, particularly when a man is motioning towards a woman. Modern Manners: Unlocking the Often-Thorny Etiquette of Gift Card Giving and Receiving. Gifts of food are appreciated by the Chinese, but avoid bringing food gifts with you to a dinner party--unless it has been agreed upon beforehand. The distribution of Lunar New Year gifts begins with the oldest person in the room. Present gifts using both hands.Gifts are not opened when received. Some Chinese adopt more western names in business and may ask you to call them by that name. :) CC, thks for sharing. The amount is usually enough for the child to buy himself a gift, such as a T-shirt or DVD. You need not follow their example as they understand that westerners tend to smile warmly when introduced. Also, writing on business cards – especially in red ink, which is typically reserved for letters of protest or angry remarks – is still a major faux pas in Taiwan. Such connections, or "guanxi" (pronounced gwan-she) are developed with people at your own level or of a higher status in both business and social situations. "Guanxi" opens doors, smoothes out problems, and leads to even more connections. Except at weddings or other important events, it is not necessarily expected. Attempt to offer the gift again; however, never force the issue. Etiquette experts from around the world agree that gifts should always be wrapped. Somehow, people on this side of the Taiwan Strait have learned the concept of keeping their saliva in their mouths instead of spitting it out. They are divided into three groups based on the dialect of Chinese they speak: Taiwanese, Hakka, and Mandarin. This article contains a discussion by Tripadvisor … Contrary to what people might tell you about wedding gift etiquette, you are not required to give a gift to every single wedding you are invited to—especially if you’re not attending. Taiwan has a population of approximately 20.5 million. Giving and receiving gifts is a ... Chinese Etiquette #15 Spitting. Sorry to hear of your loss, Mauvy. Attempt to offer the gift again; however, never force the issue. Pick the things according to the … Taiwan also has a small population of aborigines who comprise about 2 percent of the total population. Taiwanese people are not so much into hugging. When you visit a home, it is not necessary to take a gift, although it is always appreciated. Often their personal names have some poetic or otherwise significant meaning, so asking about the meaning is a good way to break the ice. A gift may be refused the first time it is offered out of politeness. The way you handle someone’s card is indicative of the value you place on the relationship. Posted in Life by Syndi Seid 3 Comments. In order to maintain a sense of harmony, they will act with decorum at all times and not do anything to cause someone else public embarrassment. Below is a short guide to gift-giving etiquette in the Land of Smiles. Rough Guides® is a trademark owned by Apa Group with its headquarters at They take great care to avoid communicating anything directly that would hurt or offend a colleague as it would cause a loss of "face". Gift-giving customs in Thailand If invited to the home of a Thai friend, you are not obliged to bring a gift, but it is polite to do so, and the gesture will always be appreciated. advice from real travelers. I'm glad U'r planning to spend time with the family U hvn't seen in 20 years. Tensions between Taiwanese and Mainlanders have eased substantially. The holidays are stressful enough without having to worry if you've offended someone by tucking a gift card into their stocking. Taiwan is often referred to as Nationalist China. 1 Jan. 2020 https://commisceo-global.com/resources/country-guides/afghanistan-guide, Commisceo Global Consulting Ltd. (2020, January 1) Afghanistan - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette. Eight is the luckiest number. To the contrary, passing business cards with one hand or flipping them across tables is uniformly viewed as uncultivated, flippant and even disrespectful. Four is also an unlucky number. Commisceo Global Consulting Ltd. (2020). Avoid immediately putting cards in your wallet or pockets – even if you’re only trying to secure them, such action is likely to be interpreted as a sign of uninterest. gift giving etiquette rules for the lunar new year Keep these simple guidelines in mind, and you’ll be able to show your cultural understanding, respect and affection for that special person celebrating Lunar New Year. If they disagree with an idea, they will simply remain silent. A gift is generally not opened in front of the giver. Gift giving in Thailand is often informal. Although not common in our own tradition, handshakes are the most usual form of greeting with foreigners. Gifts to avoid include knives and scissors or anything else that may symbolize the cutting of a relationship. Business cards are exchanged using both hands. Etiquette in Taiwan. GIFT GIVING IN JAPAN* - Gift Giving Etiquette BUSINESS GIFT GIVING / PERSONAL GIFT GIVING. For Foreign Visitors. gift giving etiquette rules for the lunar new year First things first. Do not give four of anything. For example, a seemingly innocuous statement such as “she’s going to get herself killed walking in front of all that traffic,” can imply in the minds of many Taiwanese that this will actually happen. Even words or phrases that remind people of death can cause offence, with the most obvious of these being mispronunciations of the Chinese word for “four,” (sì) which said in the wrong tone can mean “to die” (sǐ). A safe gift once already in Taiwan is fruit. Most Taiwanese would never think of sitting here. Consider changing the search query. ", Oh that kind of thing happens in our country too.". Home > New Posting > Cultural Etiquette: Taiwan: The People . They appreciate sharing a deep and broad contextual understanding in order for the core message to be delivered and understood. Chinese women do not change their names when they marry other Chinese, and the children’s last name will generally follow that of the father. However, this belief is far less common among the young and is quickly dying out. One shared gift is acceptable, and maybe some small items for the kids will be enough to score some brownie points. Although in Chinese tradition shaking hands was not the usual manner of greeting, Taiwanese men now commonly practise this custom, particularly in business circles. Perhaps no single item is … For starters, Taiwanese people are unquestionably some of the friendliest in Asia, if not the entire world, and most foreign visitors are impressed by the often staggering level of hospitality from the moment they arrive. Gift giving should come from the heart, not out of a sense of obligation. Due to the Confucian tenets Taiwanese culture is a collective one. Never write on someone's card in their presence. Topics include Transportation, Things to Do, Dining Scene & more! As such, many Taiwanese, particularly in urban areas, are extremely accommodating of foreigners and often grant them general amnesty from the Taiwanese nuances of face. And though traditional southern Chinese beliefs such as those of the Cantonese have survived in places such as Hong Kong and Macau, nowhere are age-old Chinese superstitions – mostly Fujianese – more a part of everyday life than in Taiwan. If the person does not have a corporate or government title, use the honorific Mister, Miss, or Madame followed by the surname. Companies, as well as individuals, have face and this often provides the rationale behind business and personal interactions. Confucianism is a system of behaviours and ethics that stress the obligations of people towards one another based upon their relationship. You want to make sure you’re going to pick an appropriate gift for a particular person in your life. One of the most fascinating features of Taiwan, and one that never ceases to amaze even the longest-term of foreign expatriates, is how some of the most ancient of Chinese superstition has survived – and even thrives – in one of the world’s most technologically advanced societies. When you visit someones house for dinner, it is customary to bring a gift. That context comes in the form of words, gestures and facial expressions. Wait. Men should wait for a woman to extend her hand. The people of Taiwan value hard work, patience, humility, friendliness and respect for others. The Chinese traditionally have 3 names. Men and women generally don’t shake hands upon meeting, opting instead for slight nods of deference, although this is changing and urban businesswomen are increasingly likely to offer their hands when meeting foreigners. This entry was posted on December 3, 2010 at 6:56 pm. Flowers, a potted plant, or a bottle of wine are good gift choices. The official language is Mandarin Chinese. Taiwan’s population is mostly Han Chinese who were born on the mainland or have ancestors that were. Since industrialization, women enjoy greater freedom and a higher social status, individual creativity is regarded as equally important as social conformity and acquiring material goods and recognition is increasingly important. Examples include: In the event that you cause someone to lose face, or someone is embarrassed by circumstances that arise, the best recourse is to appropriate blame for problems that arise. Moreover, gifts are exchanged among colleagues on July 15 and January 1 … Examine a business card carefully before putting it on the table next to you or in a business card case. I'm moving to Taiwan soon so been having a read online about some local social customs and etiquette, one point on this website stood out to me … Press J to jump to the feed. Bringing shame on anyone ("loss of face") brings shame to the entire family. During the seventh lunar month, which usually lands in August, many Taiwanese – especially older ones – will avoid the sea altogether. Queues Taiwanese queue for transport and in shops. Switzerland. Likewise, things that are symbolic of death, such as white flowers – requisite at funerals – are to be avoided. Search Lonely Planet. For example: The Taiwanese prefer to entertain in public places rather than in their home, especially when entertaining foreigners. Always present your gift with both hands. Do not give clocks, handkerchiefs or straw sandals as they are associated with funerals and death. One is mid-summer (O-Chugen) and the other at the end of the year (O-Seibo). Not only are such public displays of emotion likely to cause profound embarrassment, they often will convince others that you are uncivilized and undeserving of further attention or assistance. The Taiwanese like food and a nice food basket or a bottle of good quality alcohol are gifts. Giving someone a handkerchief as a gift, for example, is not recommended as it implies that the recipient may soon have reason to cry. Do not give an odd number of gifts, since odd numbers are considered unlucky. The majority of people in Taiwan came from or have ancestors who came from mainland China before 1949. In Taiwan, typical amounts on money are: NT$1,200, NT$1,600, NT$2,200, NT$2,600, NT$3,200 and NT$3,600. Lunar (often called Chinese) New Year is not just celebrated in China. You should keep this in mind for business cards too. Understand that such smiles or laughter are in fact expressions of apology rather than amusement, and try to respond with a smile of your own. Some tensions exist between social groups. Tags: business gift-giving, corporate gift-giving, gift-giving, Gift-giving etiquette, gift-giving guidelines. #2 Wrap Your Gift Properly. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Greet or introduce the most important person first. This site is owned by Apa Digital AG, Bahnhofplatz 6, 8854 Siebnen, GENERAL GUIDELINES. Treat business cards with respect. Avoid wrapping them in white, black or blue. Greetings It's fine to shake hands or just smile when meeting someone for the first time. As stated above, people in Taiwan are very indirect in their communication and are as concerned with the effect of their words on others as they are with the content of their communication. 1950 W. Corporate Way PMB 25615, Anaheim, CA 92801, USA. Handshakes are not as firm as in many other countries. A safe gift once already in Taiwan … However, preparing a simple, neatly-wrapped gift is certainly a worthwhile gesture of friendship and appreciation. [online] Available at: https://commisceo-global.com/resources/country-guides/afghanistan-guide [Accessed ENTER DATE]. Mainstream Taiwanese culture is a curious combination of traditional Chinese practices, modern commercialism and technological ingenuity, capped off with a palpable Japanese flavour left over from decades of colonial rule. When you are first meeting a person, address the person by their academic, professional, or honorific title and their surname. Have one side of your business card translated into Chinese using the traditional script not the simplified script as used in China. Red, pink and yellow are considered to be auspicious colours. Many Taiwanese have travelled, studied or worked overseas and are somewhat accustomed to behaviour that could be categorized as “Western”. Chinese New Year in Taiwan part two: Gift giving, etiquette and more. This may be some fruit, a box of chocolates, some pastries, or a bottle of wine. A gift should be given during each of these seasons. Guide to travel, doing business, and studying in Taiwan - culture, greetings, gestures, etiquette, taboos, negotiations, gift-giving, and more. The Taiwanese like food and a nice food basket or a bottle of good quality alcohol are gifts. The container and the wrapping of the gift can be considered as important as the gift itself. Wrap your gift in a bright colour; gold or yellow are considered particularly auspicious choices. They also readily give up their seat to anyone who needs it. Except at weddings or other important events, it is not necessarily expected. Because of their wealth and numbers, they also have the greatest influence on economic and political issues. The dining etiquette information below presents Taiwanese variations from the general dining etiquette of China as found on the Chinese dining etiquette page. … The Taiwanese like food and a nice food basket or a bottle of good quality alcohol are gifts. It is important for people from direct cultures (USA, Germany, Scandinavia, etc), where context is not as highly valued and brevity is crucial, to realize that messages might be misconstrued as rude and the information provided might be inadequate because of its lack of context. DO give a small gift when visiting someone’s residence. Recommended Reading; Tourist Board Info; Weather & When to Go; Read more about Taiwan. In Taiwan, it’s considered rude to open gifts in front of the giver so if you receive one a simple ‘thank you’ is enough. They are known as Taiwanese and enjoy the highest standard of living in Taiwan. www.commisceo-global.com. The Taiwanese migrated to Mainland China starting in AD 500. https://www.commisceo-global.com/resources/country-guides/taiwan-guide There was a funny scene on a Taiwanese TV show where a guy keeps receiving gifts and giving the gift to the next person he sees, just an endless cycle of regifting. Chinese Etiquette #5 Chinese Gifts. The basic tenets are based upon five different relationships: Confucianism stresses duty, loyalty, honor, filial piety, respect for age and seniority, and sincerity. Taiwanese value a well crafted message. Afghanistan - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette. The first tip of our etiquette guidelines for gift-giving regards the gift itself. When Taiwanese are embarrassed or upset, they often will smile or giggle nervously, which can be confusing or even annoying for the uninitiated foreigner. Meeting schedules are not highly structured in Taiwan. The best gifts are flowers, chocolates or biscuits. Banks & Money; Emergencies; Important Phrases; Telephones; Background. Search. Avoid white, black, and blue gift wrap throughout Asia, as they’re associated with mourning. For example, if you have to buy something for your boss, you want to avoid giving her or him a gag gift, right? Before entering someone’s home, always remember first to remove your shoes, even if your host initially says it’s not necessary. The official language of Taiwan is Mandarin Chinese, but because many Taiwanese are of southern Fujianese descent, Min-nan (the Southern Min dialect, or Holo) is also widely spoken. Retrieved from https://commisceo-global.com/resources/country-guides/afghanistan-guide. The concept of face is extremely important to the Taiwanese. And while yellow paper is cheerful and appropriate for celebratory gifts in India, in China it’s covered in black writing and used exclusively for gifts to the … The Red Envelope. No elements found. This doesn’t mean that Taiwanese people don’t get angry, but rather that there is a general belief in the virtue of self-control when dealing with others. Do not give a lavish gift unless it is to reciprocate an expensive gift that you have received. If those you are meeting want to move to a first name basis, they will advise you which name to use. Giving someone a handkerchief as a gift, for example, is not recommended as it implies that the recipient may soon have reason to cry. Most people in Taiwan have traditional values based on Confucian ethics; however, pressures from industrialization are now challenging these values. Do not choose something personal unless it is a gift of food or wine. Feel free to decorate your gift with extra touches such as ribbons and bows. Follow Us A community built resource for cross-cultural etiquette and understanding : Enter your search terms: Submit search form: Web: www.culturecrossing.net: Taiwan Asia Map World Map THE FACTS . Gift giving in Thailand is often informal. If you are in a group, try to assemble in rank order, with the most senior person first. © Commisceo Global Consulting Ltd. 2021 All Rights Reserved. Gifts are given at Chinese New Year, weddings, births and funerals. As with many other things in Thailand, superstition dictates a lot of the customs around gift-giving. To bring food suggests that your host's hospitality is inadequate. Gift Giving Etiquette Gifts are given at Chinese New Year, weddings, births and funerals. Actions that imply the notion that something untoward could happen are also widely avoided in Taiwan, which helps to explain why so many Taiwanese refuse to write last wills out of fear that such action could precipitate their own demise.

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