what does sticky mean in slang

Answered 2 years ago. Woman doing a handstand with a computer . hauf - half; a measure of whisky. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. How do I handle players that don't care for the rules I put in place as the DM and question everything I do? Definition of Sticky (economics) in the Financial Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. It originated as a term for difficult circumstances in the sport of cricket, caused by a damp and soft pitch. The first female algebraist in US/Britain? The notion of sticky prices means that the prices of goods and services do not change. This stand was featured in Jojo Part 5, Vento Aureo. What does “sticking (sticky) cover” mean in the context of a video game? The word sticky can mean many different things from a gooey substance, such as gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe, to a sticky situation.However, when it comes to the Internet there are two basic uses of the term sticky.The first is in regard to website traffic.. Woman doing a … Sticky Keys is a Microsoft Windows accessibility feature that causes modifier keys to remain active, even after they were pressed and released, making it easier to use keyboard shortcuts. Sticky end definition, a single-stranded end of DNA or RNA having a nucleotide base sequence complementary to that of another strand, enabling the two strands to be connected by base pairing: produced in the laboratory with the use of restriction enzymes for … Last edited on Mar 19 1999. Resolution. Is the surface of a sphere and a crayon the same manifold? What's the origin of the phrase 'A sticky wicket'? No other user would be permitted to have these privileges on a file which has a sticky bit. Whether it is dark, green or even white, sticky bowel movement can mean constipation or another health problem that needs to be addressed. sticky (Noun) A sticky note, such as a post-it note. rev 2021.3.12.38768, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, English Language Learners Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. What would justify those road like structures. The slang word / phrase / acronym sticky icky means... . It's not easy to search for that term and get a good answer because most relevant places it's used without being defined. ". The first is in regard to website traffic. Is it a bad sign that a rejection email does not include an invitation to apply again in the future? According to sticky wage theory, when stickiness enters the market a change in one direction will be favored over a … icky: [adjective] gross, unappealing. Answered on Nov 5, 2012. However, when it comes to the Internet there are two basic uses of the term sticky. Postdoc in China. Leave this field empty if you're human: Fair dinkum words and phrases, sent once a week. It is a close range stand that allows its user to travel to a pocket dimension by creating zippers, which can also be used offensively to create holes in an enemy. “Flicker” what does this word mean in the video? What is Sticky (economics)? Dr. Anthony LaBarbera answered. Meaning of Sticky (economics) as a finance term. I would say it's more commonly used by people over 40, but most people would know what you meant. If sopmebody cannot talk proper English to you and you do not understand their slang, it's THEIR problem, the same as it's YOUR problem if you show up at a job interview in … est 1. We are constantly updating our database with new slang terms, acronyms, and abbreviations. Filter by: Sort by:Popularity Alphabetically Category. What does 'Stickybeak' mean in Australia? However, it does not mean necessarily that one will actually come promptly. Can I stabilize a character if I don't have proficiency in the Medicine skill or any healing equipment or abilities? Warm and humid; muggy: a sticky day. Sticky wicket is originally a cricketing phrase. However, if moving with it--it makes it easier to track a moving player while shooting at them. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. What do you roll to sleep in a hidden spot? Used of prices or wages. What is the name of the retracting part of a dog lead? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: Sticky. large sheet of thin, soft, coloured plastic that is sticky on one side; generic term popularised by craft segments on the children's TV show Blue Peter (US similar: contact paper) sticky wicket (usually "batting on a sticky wicket") facing a difficult situation. A site that is considered to be sticky is a site where visitors spend a lot of time. The cricket pitch (the wicket) is susceptible to damage from rain, heat etc. What does 'got popped' mean exactly in this context? They remain steady even when you would think they should change. Weed or Marijuana. Sticky wicket definition is - a difficult or delicate problem or situation. Having the property of adhering or sticking to a surface; adhesive. See more. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Speaky-Spokey- This is when a Jamaican tries to speak like an American or Englishman. Why might not radios be effective in a post-apocalyptic world? This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of sticky icky is. Change style of Joined line in BoxWhiskerChart. Sticky Wage Theory in Context . "Not For Those Who Want: An all-new experience. Thanks for contributing an answer to English Language Learners Stack Exchange! Before you continue reading: Are you interested in increasing your consumption of fiber, which reduces stool stickiness? This has little to do with English, but more with game play. 1. What does it mean? He was most prominent from 1988 to present. Sticky Bit: In Unix-like operating systems, a sticky bit is a permission bit which is set on a file or folder, thereby permitting only the owner or root user of the file or folder to modify, rename or delete the concerned directory or file. Sticky definition, having the property of adhering, as glue; adhesive. 2. English Language Learners Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for speakers of other languages learning English. What does the term sticky session mean and how is it achieved? Online Slang Dictionary. Term. Ex: "Freaky with the sticky icky Baby give me kitty kitty" Last edited on Nov 12 2016. sticky phrase. Sticky keys may refer to any of the following:. in computing: persistent. The phrase "Sticky one still" means it’s a difficult situation and you don’t know how to respond to that situation It’s this resin (or essential oil) that gives sticky weed its name. haun - hand (watch ma haun.) A list of slang words and phrases, idioms, jargon, acronyms, and abbreviations. Meaning of ticky. A Gun. StickyKeys is a feature in various operating systems that allows users to press down on a set of keys one by one, instead of simultaneously. It does this by minimizing ads, click-able feeds from social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, badges that link to other sites, quiz results that link to other sites, etc. See more words with the same meaning: marijuana . It helps to make complex commands easier for users with certain disabilities or repetitive strain injuries. Girls are icky . 3. Meaning of sticky. When you are behind cover you can take actions you can't take in normal mode, like peeking around what you're hiding behind or … The sticky aim function only works once you have actually moved your reticule inside the area of the box. Send thanks to the doctor. How to use sticky wicket in a sentence. a condescending and sometimes derogatory term for a woman (from the Arabic for 'daughter'). Meaning of British Slang phrase 'sticky wicket'. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. A 23-year-old female asked: Disclaimer. 2. The phrase comes from the game of cricket. The virus in the computer was like a sticky lump of tar. In fact, it changes by the minute. If a finite set tiles the integers, must it be an arithmetic progression? 3. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples a person who masturbates excessively. Sticky Keys is a Microsoft Windows accessibility feature that causes modifier keys to remain active, even after they were pressed and released, making it easier to use keyboard shortcuts. Once 'there,' the sticky aim is activated. 90,000 U.S. doctors in 147 … New Aussie slang in your inbox. See below: Sticky bowel is not medical term. Sticky weed (or “sticky icky”) is a slang term for marijuana flowers that still contain a good deal of resin in their trichomes. (I’ll come soon.) Sticky session refers to the feature of many commercial load balancing solutions for web-farms to route the requests for a particular session to the same physical machine that serviced the first request for that session. The price of buying one dollar with another currency changes rapidly. 4. Though it doesn't make much sense, it does use vivid imagery. Hand grenade that sticks to objects and more importantly, other players, in the popular video game series Halo. Understanding the behavior of C's preprocessor when a macro indirectly expands itself. Sticky was given the name Kirk Jones on November 3rd, 1973 in Brooklyn. "Sticky" is a general economics term that can apply to any financial variable that is resistant to change. Changing Map Selection drawing priority in QGIS, One month old puppy pacing in circles and crying. See more. Definition of ticky in the Definitions.net dictionary. In cricket. Cooked carrots are icky . Dr. Anthony LaBarbera answered: "See below: Sticky bowel is not medical term." When you are behind cover you can take actions you can't take in normal mode, like peeking around what you're hiding behind or taking a "blind" shot where you can't see your target. Why is it “once upon a time” but there always more than one story happened in the same time? What does mean? The slang word / phrase / acronym have sticky fingers means... . "Sticking" or "Sticky" cover is a cover mechanic where you can cause your avatar press up against a cover object and enter a special mode. The quickest definition: A sticky website encourages the reader to stay and look around. But it's true that it's not a phrase I'd expect most English speakers to know. What's the meaning of the phrase 'A sticky wicket'? The phrase comes from the game of cricket. I will cut the brakes on his supped-up phallic symbol. How to use sticky wicket in a sentence. Information and translations of sticky in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … The definition, example, and related terms listed above have been written and compiled by the Slangit team. What does sticky mean? This is because workers will … "Sticking" or "Sticky" cover is a cover mechanic where you can cause your avatar press up against a cover object and enter a special mode. Sticky An individual who is beyond greasy and even worse than a fuckboy. ... sticky, icky 1. What is the difference between LP fuel valve and LP fuel shut off valve? See more. If you do not understand the slang, demand the proper english. means 1. That dude is so sticky, I can see the … This phrase is a direct allusion to the difficulty of playing on a wet and sticky pitch. For example: Cat's pajamas: This term was commonly used by flappers in the 1920s to mean that something was exciting, new, or excellent. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Mar 23 2010. Sticky wicket definition, the area of ground around a wicket when it is tacky because of recent rain and therefore does not allow the ball to bounce well. Is there a more modern version of "Acme", as a common, generic company name? Economics Tending to remain the same despite changes in the economy. Looking on advice about culture shock and pursuing a career in industry. Informal Painful or difficult: a sticky situation. Definition of sticky in the Definitions.net dictionary. Can I simply use multiple turbojet engines to fly supersonic? Stick definition: A stick is a thin branch which has fallen off a tree. There's no sticking cover or regenerating health here, kids.". Definition. sticky icky icky: truly awesome marijuana, only use with weed that actualy is kinda sticky. They often visit country bars to get wasted and hit on recently divorced middle aged women. I'm way f'dup from that stick icky icky we smoked. Sticky wicket definition is - a difficult or delicate problem or situation. An unpleasant situation. It looks new, but it's the same old Half-Life. A difficult situation. StickyKeys is a feature in various operating systems that allows users to press down on a set of keys one by one, instead of simultaneously. noun A sticky icky is a penis. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. If you would like to suggest a term or an update to an existing one, please let us know! A sticky wicket (or sticky dog, or glue pot) is a metaphor used to describe a difficult circumstance. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Of course, Betty's mom Alice serves as an advisor. This page explains what the slang term "Sticky" means. It's gamer jargon very specific to shooter games, so I'm not exactly sure it's on-topic here, but I don't know of any other place you might find an answer. Australian slang 'Stickybeak' meaning? Last edited on Sep 30 2016. Sticky - Idioms by The Free Dictionary. And by student-run, I mean it was inactive till Betty and Jughead restored it to its full glory before he transferred to Southside High. havnae - have not. Sticky wage theory argues that employee pay is resistant to decline even under deteriorating economic conditions. The hot mess train kept going, first appearing on Urban Dictionary in the early 2000s, around the time hot mess spread as a term for a fashion and style descriptor. That kid over there I heard is a real sticky-fingers. In most games, If you don't move with it or if you move against it, you cancel the sticky assist. Or like maple syrup for those of you who’ve already had enough biology for the day. The Sticky Keys feature helps alleviate some stress on your fingers by not having to press and hold keys to use keyboard shortcuts. However, it will not do all the work on its own. Definition of sticky in the Idioms Dictionary. A list of slang words and phrases, idioms, jargon, acronyms, and abbreviations. nosy person. From there, the meaning of hot mess expanded to messy situations outside the cafeteria.By the 1900s, we were describing any chaotic situation and any confusing or disordered person or thing as a hot mess. 3. The Sticky Keys feature helps alleviate some stress on your fingers by not having to press and hold keys to use keyboard shortcuts. Sticky stool can make it hard to wipe. "We killed each other, I threw a sticky on him right before I died. hauf 'n' a hauf - a measure of whisky and a half pint of beer; haver - silly talk, nonsense/gibberish (stap yer haverin'.) Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Snakshi Dhupar, studied at Jawaharlal Nehru University. Sticky keys may refer to any of the following:. The same withy slang. The definition, example, and related terms listed above have been written and compiled by the Slangit team. It only takes a minute to sign up. Ask doctors free . Rating. This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of have sticky fingers is. Engaging in sexual intercourse. what is the meaning of “pass the requirements” and “district council surveyor”? A wicket is, of course, the playing surface used in cricket. What does Sticky (economics) mean in finance? Spliff- A very large cone-shaped marijuana cigarette. In cricket. JohnTheMadKeint. what does sticky bowel mean? Soon come- Term used for general replies in saying that one will be back. Usage varies with a range of harshness from 'bitch', referring to a disagreeable and domineering woman, to only a slightly derogatory term for a young woman. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. In other words, it doesn’t have a bunch of links and images that lead the reader away. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Rate it: What does Sticky mean? Her desk is covered with yellow stickies. Notify me by email when the comment gets approved. Some slang words that were once popular are no longer used. @oerkelens I think the stick-to-cover mechanic is part of the basic gameplay of certain games rather than a cheat. Computing » Texting. Think of it like the sap of a plant. Covered with an adhesive agent. Information and translations of ticky in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … You beauty. A sticky wicket (or sticky dog, or glue pot) is a metaphor used to describe a difficult circumstance. Engaging in sexual intercourse. The value of a sticky broadcast is the value that was last broadcast and is currently held in the sticky cache. Yes, you could say you are in a sticky situation, meaning a situation that doesn't have an easy solution, in other words, a predicament. Online Slang Dictionary. Sticky Fingaz is a hip hop music rapping, actor, film director, and record producer. STKY: Sticky. From cricket: a sticky wicket is one that has a damp surface on top of a dry base, typically after rain. We are constantly updating our database with new slang terms, acronyms, and abbreviations. Sticky definition. Options. 'Stickybeak' meaning One Definition. What does ticky mean? The word sticky can mean many different things from a gooey substance, such as gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe, to a sticky situation. Mi a soon come. Stick Fingers is the stand of Bruno Bucciarati from the anime Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. 1 doctor answer. When during construction of them, did Bible-era Jewish temples become "holy"? Permalink: What the hell is a "Sticky Maple"? Harry hoofter- rhyming slang for "poofter" a derogatory term for a homosexual man. The sticky broadcast is now deprecated, per the docs for sticky broadcast methods : I believe this Australian slang describes a particular style of wine not specific to their country, which means I wouldn’t be surprised at all if an Australian wine lover referred to a Tokaji as a “sticky.” I think among wine lovers the term is somewhat known outside of Australia, but I … Get a Getting Sticky mug for your dog Riley. Does he not know who I am?! A slang term for a point on a security market. I've already asked this question on Learn English Online, but they don't seem to know the answer. This page explains what the slang term "Sticky" means. I suppose you can say it is like a browser cookie that you can access at any time. I will cut the brakes on his supped-up phallic symbol. They have cooties ! It's a cheat in a game. View 1 Upvoter. Term meaning to get taken over, often used in the context of violence like getting jumped or even in the context of drugs like getting drunk or high. My guess would be that "sticking cover" is cover that "sticks" to your player, so your player is hidden even when he moves. This is not the value of a broadcast that was received right now. Sticky end definition, a single-stranded end of DNA or RNA having a nucleotide base sequence complementary to that of another strand, enabling the two strands to be connected by base pairing: produced in the laboratory with the use of restriction enzymes for … 28 years experience Pediatrics. This means taking a broader view, a step back, an attitude of curiosity and humor instead of judgment, alarm, and urgency. Although cricket is not well known in America, the term did cross the Atlantic in the 1920s. It helps to make complex commands easier for users with certain disabilities or repetitive strain injuries. Does C++ guarantee identical binary layout for "trivial" structs with a single trivial member? This means taking a broader view, a step back, an attitude of curiosity and humor instead of judgment, alarm, and urgency. What does sticky expression mean? 5. Sticky is also known as Sticky. 1. Get a Getting Sticky mug for your dog Riley. Submitted by Anonymous from Poland, OH, USA on Mar 19 1999. It originated as a term for difficult circumstances in the sport of cricket, caused by a damp and soft pitch. See more words with the same meaning: gross, disgusting, creepy . "That new phonograph is the cat's pajamas." Currencies . Exchanges rates belong to the flexible prices category, i.e., the opposite of sticky prices. gluey, glutinous, gummy, mucilaginous, pasty, sticky, viscid, viscous (adj) having the sticky properties of an adhesive. Sticky wicket definition, the area of ground around a wicket when it is tacky because of recent rain and therefore does not allow the ball to bounce well. For example, if a share price drops five points over the trading day, it may be said to decline five stick.

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